First up is this video of a Cel shaded high res King of Fighters ( KOF XII ) I Think this could be the one KOF game I'm actually eager to learn more about, Might even be a SF4 Beater, I'll keep you all posted as more info develops
Next up, Video of a previously unheard of New Samurai Showdown sen It's 3D and average looking, nothing impressive to see here
And of course , Street fighter 4 Beta gameplay video I hope they plan on adding more characters, 10 playable characters just doesn't do it for me
There is no denying that Adolf Hitler was a viscious meniacal scociopath who's unspeakable deeds earned him a first class ticket to the most painful circles of hell.
Yes it was a Great game between two terrific teams but what really got me going were the Terminator promo spots with the T-100 vs. the NFL FOXbot. I'm suprised a lot of people who were watching the game missed these spots when they aired, oh well, here they are enjoy.