Somehow the video games based on the series has always been lacking.
don't get me wrong there are a lot of good Gundam games out there, but nothing that really stands out as a must have.
In fact, the only Gundam game that held my attention long enough for me to complete it was the overlooked MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: SIDE STORY 0079 for the Sega DREAMCAST, which for me was the pinnacle of a Gundam Videogame.
Now Bandai has the upcoming MS GUNDAM: Operation Troy, where you play the roll of a MS pilot/Infantry soldier who can Hijack Mobile suits ala MECHASSUALT: LONE WOLF.
The Graphics look a bit LAST GEN, I hope it's due to the game still being under development. the Cockpit scenes look true to the series and if it plays anything like SIDE STORY, or better, I can forgive the out dated graphi engine.
Also the Promise of ONLINE MULTIPLAYER BATTLES with Mobile Suits is too just too Friggin Sweet.
I really hope that they don't drop the ball on this one.

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