Courtesy of Malformed
And now a shameless plug...
Barnes and Noble will be launching their community social site next week. I was thinking starting a profile and linking all of the stuff that I mention on this site to the new B&N profile.
you can review books, toys, comics, DVD's etc. start a book club or just plain old nerd it up with
you LARPING DnD 4th edition friends.
Me personally I would want one just for Godzilla movies , MST3K , Starwars ( original trilogy and expanded universe ) and Robots.
here's Mal's profile MyBarnesandNoble/Malformed just remembers kids you'll have to wait
until next week for yours ( AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW man! )
..........we return now to our regularly scheduled nonsense
any suggestions comments on the community site are appreciated! feel free to drop a line at relam - at - book - dot - com