I don't know where to begin with this...so I'm starting this post with a fitting, appropriate video clip that sums up how I feel right now......
Capcom wants to give you the roster to MvC3 in drips and drabs but I can't bite my tongue any longer, I have it on a very reliable source that the following are THE remaining characters. Call me crazy but when the "official" announcement comes, remember where you heard it first.
ready? here we go:
MIKE HAGGAR ( Final Fight, Saturday Night Slammasters)
FRANK WEST (Dead Rising)
ARTHUR ( Ghouls n Ghosts )
ALBERT WESKER ( Resident Evil )
ZERO ( Mega Man Zero )
TRON BONNE ( Mega man, MvC2 )
HSIEN-KO ( Darkstalkers )
CHUCK SPENCER ( That new Bionic commando guy with the claw arm )
AKUMA ( Raging demon coming at ya! )
FELICIA ( Cat chick from Darkstalkers )
WAR MACHINE ( James Rhodes, see IM2 )
MR. FANTASTIC ( Reed Richards, leader of the Fantastic Four )
ELEKTRA ( Greek ninja chick that had a thing with Daredevil )
X-23 ( Wolverine's clone "daughter" and member of X-force )
MAGNETO ( X-men Adversary / Ally )
SHUMA-GORATH ( From the "evil squid demon" dimension )
EMMA FROST ( Half naked mutie psi-witch )
TASKMASTER ( Merc with Photographic reflexes )
SHE-HULK ( Jenny Walters, Lawyer, super heroine, Juggernaut's friend with benefits )
SPIDER-MAN ( I think he's a photographer or something )
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